Thursday, 11 September 2008

A spoonbill's appraisal

In business the terms ‘back and front’ office are used to differentiate the parts of a company. The front office delivers products and services to customers, whilst the back office manages the mechanics of systems, finances, training, health and safety and sundry other important issues.

As a Wildlife Trust we try to manage our back office, including our priceless membership database, to the highest possible standards. The downside for those of us who spend most of our time in the office is that we are separated from the very things that drew us to nature conservation in the first place – WILDLIFE.

It was therefore a real treat for me yesterday when I visited Coombe Hill Nature Reserve. The purpose of the visit was highly worthy and very back office – my important annual appraisal with Trust Chairman Andrew Kerr. However, the delight of the visit was not just in seeing such a fantastic Severn wetland full of waders, warblers and ducks on their Autumn passage, but it coinciding with the visit of two rather aloof and clearly superior water birds – Spoonbills.

Now I am no twitcher and I have never before seen any of the passing rarities that drop in on our sites from time to time. However, the spoonbills were magnificent. What makes their visit so tantalising is that they breed locally just across the channel in the Netherlands. Will they ever make the leap across to become a fully fledged (bad pun) British bird rather than the intermittent breeder that they are now? No-one knows and even the clairvoyant and seminal ‘A climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds’ is no more informative.

For me I will continue to consider my forays onto our nature reserves as journeys of discovery and savour those chance encounters that make nature such an immersive experience. Every visit is a delight and I will try to leave as few carbon footprints as I can justify.

And the appraisal? Best not to discuss in public!

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